Every year, RavenCon presents an award for the best room party—The RavenConnie, aka The John Jones Memorial Award for Party Excellence. Who gets to vote? Everyone! Ballots will be available at the Registration Desk (smart entrants will have copies of the ballot at their party). Completed ballots will also be collected at the Registration Desk and in Con Ops.

The Rules

  1. The party must be registered with the convention (listing it on Filthy Pierre’s Party Board will count). You can also register your party here.
  2. The party must be open to all con-goers.
  3. If you serve alcohol, you must see identification. No underage drinking.
  4. Selling alcohol is illegal in the state of Virginia without a liquor license. Collecting tips counts as selling.
  5. Please keep noise to a minimum, there may be non-convention guests staying near you. Your party must be held on the Party Floor so that we don’t disturb people with early morning panels.
  6. No party can win in more than two consecutive years.
  7. One vote per person. Votes without a valid badge number will be discarded.
  8. As always, the Convention Rules must be followed.

The winner is announced at the Con in Review panel (Sunday, 2:00 p.m.) and the award is presented at Opening Ceremonies the following year.

If you’re interested in hosting a room party, please fill out our Party Notification Form so that we can help make sure your party is placed on the official Party Floor.

Past Award Winners

2008          1984: A Brave New WorldCon
2009          1984: A Brave New WorldCon
2010          Baen Barflies
2011          Baen Barflies
2012          1984: A Brave New WorldCon
2013          Klingons
2014          Scientific Bastards
2015          DC17 Bid Party
2016          Superheroes & Sidekicks
2017          Geek Gala/ConCarolinas
2018          Insane Asylum
2019          Quark’s Bar
2020         No Award Given (COVID)
2021         No Award Given (COVID)
2022         No Award Given (COVID)
2023         Alien Peril Roaming Lab Party
