Over the years, dozens of new books have been launched at RavenCon.

A book launch is a great way for publishers and/or authors to publicize a new release. Good book launches are both fun and interactive; attendees frequently have the chance to win prizes and hear readings from new books. Oh yeah, and sometimes there’s chocolate. Or cake. Or cake and chocolate. Maybe even pizza. Mmmmmm… Tasty, tasty book launches.

RavenCon 17: Leona Wisoker Book Launch
Leona Wisoker at her book launch for Lie’s of Stone during RavenCon 17

If you’re interested in hosting a book launch at this year’s RavenCon, please mention it when you fill out your Guest Application.

RavenCon 17 in 2024 saw the book launches of Leona Wisoker’s Lie’s of Stone and the next volume of the Unhelpful Encyclopedia , Murderbugs: An Arthropod Anthology edited by Mike Jack Stombous.

In 2023, we hosted the launch party for Murderbirds: An Avian Anthology, edited by Mike Jack Stombous.